Thursday, July 19, 2012


KATZ recently did a study of more than 600 radio listeners to examine the relationship between radio listeners and personalities. The findings are no big surprise to me and I was happy to see the outcome. Stations may want to think twice before saving a few bucks to be just a jukebox.

Here are the highlights from Inside Radio:

  • The survey sample consisted of 70% women and 30% men, with 66% of participants reporting their age as between 18-34 and 90% between 18-49 years of age. Survey sample respondents were 45% Hispanic, 8% Asian, 4% percent African American and 43% “other.”

  • The study found three out of four respondents reported that they turn on the radio because they know their favorite personality is on the air.

  • Nearly as many (72%) talk to their friends about their favorite personality or what they heard on the program and 70% of participants said they follow their favorite radio personalities and/or radio stations via social media channels.

  • Nearly half (47%) of respondents said they considered or purchased products recommended by their favorite radio personalities and more than half (51%) considered or purchased a product advertised during their favorite personality’s show.
I think this quote sums it up from the USC-Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism professor Paula Patnoe Woodley..."Our findings underscore the depth of the relationship, loyalty, and trust between listeners and radio personalities.”

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